Social MediaYouTube

How To Stop YouTube Video From Pausing

Does your YouTube video pause at the key moment of where your favorite actors at binge of kissing or at a scene when the Thanos was about the snap the half of the population? Yea, I get that and understand your level of frustration. But why does this happen? How can we stop YouTube videos from pausing? Fortunately, we’re here to provide you a clear insight on pausing YouTube videos. But first, let me share some details about YouTube.

Many video-sharing services have emerged over the years, but no one has been able to replace Youtube. As soon as we open a browser, we are almost certain to visit YouTube to watch videos and songs. Sometimes, the watch hours are so many that we hate how much we love and adore it.

Youtube is not only used as a site to watch videos. It has also become a search engine. As visual data is easy to soak in and understand, the description in audiovisual format is preferred more than in texts. Hence, many people visit YouTube before any site. If there are any queries or questions, it’s obvious to turn to the internet. 

Let us not forget about Youtube as a music player. It is the music player for everyone working on computers for hours. You can have your playlist, search for any song from anywhere and share as well. It is the easiest way to freshen up when sitting in front of the monitor for hours. 

Why Does YouTube Video Keep Pausing?

Youtube is dedicated to providing better service to its users. It is always working to make improvements and adjustments. Some of the features it implements on its own and needs users to participate.

So many users search and play videos on YouTube at the same time. It takes many resources to manage the requests from the users. So, YouTube tries to control the use of unnecessary data processing. Because of the human feature of neglect, YouTube’s engine runs even if the user is asleep. This action causes the overuse of resources, exploitation of service. And, if it happened in one or two cases, it could be neglected, but with a large number of users present, the problem is pretty big.

Youtube tries to remove the load from Youtube’s server. That is the unneeded view requests. There is switch-like autoplay to keep on playing and time management features like you can organize your view time by customizing a time limit and view your browsing time history. It provides information for you to manage your YouTube habits and understand your taste in watching videos.

Another main thing is recommendation algorithms. If you stray away from your interest in the YouTube player, Youtube cannot make the correct recommendations about your likings. The machine learning resource which is made for better service will then be working in vain. 

It is, therefore, our duty to set up our application to view YouTube in better ways and appreciate the service we are getting. There are some ways you can manage your time on Youtube, stop YouTube videos from pausing, or pause at the right moment.

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Common Techniques To Stop Youtube Videos From Pausing

Downgrade the quality of the video

The first thing to do when your video automatically stops playing is to check your internet connection status. It is a basic requirement; YouTube requires an internet with good bandwidth speed to provide a seamless watching experience. So, if by any chance the speed fluctuates or the connection is cut off, the video may pause itself.

You should check and gain access to continuous internet service to stop YouTube videos from pausing. Or, if the speed is slow, you can downgrade the quality of the video, which you can find on the video player’s control bar setting option. It is not a pleasant solution but will help tackle the problem.

If you want to know your connection details, you can right-click inside the video player and select “Stats for nerds” at the end.

The old version of YouTube and lack of cache memory may also cause the problem with internet access. So, it is best if you overcome those inadequacies to have a better experience.

Switch on the autoplay and scroll up

After checking on the internet connection, the next thing you can do is watch out for the autoplay feature, which is most commonly found beside the setting menu cogwheel in the video player’s control bar. It must be turned on to play the videos continuously. 

Sometimes unknowingly, it is turned off, and you can be searching here and there for the cause when it is right in front of you. But when you are in a playlist, it will play the videos continuously as it is on by default. However, there can be a pause problem even if you manage all these settings. The scrollbar causes it. 

Yes, if you have scrolled down the screen to view comments or other information and the player is out of view, the video will pause when changing. It is a smart feature implemented by Youtube that you surely don’t want to change the section of that video when you are reading a comment. So, if you want the videos to play continuously or want no obstructions while playing your playlist, you must scroll the scrollbar to the top.

Deactivate the “Remind me to take a break” feature

You can customize a time function to pause the YouTube application. It will then remind you to take a break after you have spent some time on the platform. Video watching on YouTube can become an addiction through ignorance. You can sometimes spend hours of meaningless browsing just by following the recommendation. It is unhealthy for your personal and social life. It can destroy relationships. So, YouTube has provided this feature. 

It is available on the YouTube application, and you may not find that on your browser. If you disable it, it may solve your problem of YouTube videos being paused. You can access it from the setting menu and general submenu. There is the never option in the checklist with various time options. You have to click on the never option.

Add an extension to the browser

The addition of an extension is an overall solution to the pause problem from inside the application. This solution is for desktop users. You can download the extensions and activate them in your browser. 

Youtube nonstop and Autotube are two of the common extensions. They will help you ignore the frequent alert messages that are prompted before the video is paused.

Actively watch the videos on YouTube

If you cannot find the solution to stop videos from pausing even after following the above methods, you should watch the videos actively opened on the screen. It doesn’t seem to be like a solution, but that way, you can figure out what the real problem is. It may be related to the browser or the application or any other convincing features.  

Playing YouTube in the background is the most common activity while working on the computer. You should find features that complement the lack of an active YouTube window. 

Stop YouTube Video From Pausing

Frequently pausing youtube videos creates a void in your thinking process when you are working and inactively hearing YouTube content. It will decelerate your productivity when you have hurdles when thinking. 

Pausing the videos when watching the content can be pretty annoying. If it happens, you need to check for the compatibility of the application or the browser. It is a serious issue for the YouTube service if you cannot enjoy seamless videos. 

These solutions are also the step-up guides that will help analyze the problem one step at a time. If any of the ways above does not solve it, you can surely seek some advanced methods or hardware problems, which in most cases don’t happen.

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